Zeugma is Mission Home Store

Thursday, January 29, 2009
The move is complete. I am officially the owner of the Zeugma island and now it has been renamed as "Mission Home Store".

I am told that the old Zeugma landmarks will still be functional so if you have visited the Odaesan House and made a landmark, you're still good.

I will be spending the next week or so redecorating the interiors of the prefabs and settling in.

I am also reworking Prefab #2 to reduce prims and polish a few impeerfections I found the other day during the move. It should be available in a couple of weeks latest.

Also expect many more exciting new furniture from me coming soon to a Mission Home Store near you.

Zeugma Fundraiser: Final Numbers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think we did good. I think we did good....

My most sincere thanks goes to everyone that donated, helped, attended events and spread the word. The island transfer are taking place as I type this post. I am hoping by the end of the day everything will be settled for good so that we can all get back to creating great products for our SL customers.

As you all know Sensuous and Supremius Maximus are my new neighbors. If you visit my island drop by next door to the West and say hi. They also make mission arts & crafts deliciousness... :-)

Paparazzi Footage of Intimate Odaesan House Moments Leaked to Press

Sunday, January 25, 2009
We were notified that against our best efforts a member of the papparazzi task for managed to penetrate our property the morning after the party and filmed the new owners of the house Troy and Juana while they recovered. While it is regretful that a member of the media would go to such length to expose us when we are at our weakest we feel that we have no apologies to make as everyone that attended the party knows how much fun it all was.

So with no further ado, here are the much talked about clips:

Troy stumbling to his bed after the party

Breakfast the next morning

Major gossip dish about SLU

Save Zeugma Party Take Two

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well we're doing it one more time. Last Monday's party was incredible. Everything went according to plan. We drew large crowds and it was a fun time for everyone. The sim performed like a trooper. Knock on wood, it was great. I would like to repeat the party this Monday, the 26th at 7PM SLT again.

This time I am going to try to DJ and play some World mix stuff including Turkish pop. It should be fun. DJing will also allow me to answer questions over voice and that way save me some time responding to people.

So come on down to Zeugma on Monday evening 7PM SL time. Put on some fancy clothing because we will be taking photographs. As always try to limit the number of attachments if you can. So it will be a challenge for us all.

We will be accepting donations so bring your wallets. All furniture in the house will be still for sale. There will be drinks, Hors d’ Oeuvres, dance machine, and unique Turkish, European, Middle Eastern music you probably never heard before along with the usual crowd pleasers.

Save Zuegma Project Update

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This may come across as an overshare but I do believe that for all the ruckus I am creating in SL I need to provide information about how much money is needed, how much money has been collected and where we are going with this.

Here's the story:
Zeug had to pay $590 to get the island back to good in the books. This happened two weeks ago. I paid him $300 of this fee already. We have filed a ticket to have the Zeugma island transfered over to me. So in terms of the future of Zeugma things are looking a lot more certain.

As for my financial future things are not AS certain.

I have already found a buyer for my other island and filed the tickets and everything but Linden Lab takes care of these matters at the pace of a glacier. I called them up and they refused to address my case before it comes up in the queue and the queue is still processing tickets from the 9th. Not comforting.

So, I am looking at pretty much paying $600 for two islands on the 27th of this month. I will also pay $200 for the two island transfer fees.

The sale of my MHS island is bringing me $500 including the transfer fee so this is some help.

Through the fundraising efforts I have been able to raise a little over $400 and I am grateful for this amount. As of now I am looking at paying a little over $500 out of pocket.

I would sleep a little better if it was possible to bring this number down to $250.

This is where you all come in. Please spread the word that we are looking for more donations. You do not have to donate huge amounts of lindens, every little bit helps.

Please browse both the store on Zeugma, the items in the Odaesan House itself, and the store and prefabs on Mission Home Store Sim and see if anything tempts you. Remember it is for a good cause.

I am also accepting cash donations in the amount of $100 for becoming a member of a new exclusive group: Mission Home Store VIP. The membership of this group requires a one time donation of $100. Members will have access to copy enabled versions of everything I make including the prefabs -- FREE.

I will talk more about this new exciting group tomorrow. However I AM accepting donations at this time, your name will be added to the list as soon as I create the group.

If you would like to paypal money to me, pls e mail me at steelskyblue AT gmail DOT com for directions.

These past two weeks have been a wild emotional roller coaster of serious financial troubles and great support from friends and fans. I truly, TRULY appreciate all the support I have received. I will not forget this.

Thank you. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Yours Truly,

Linden Lab buys XStreetSL and onREZ shopping sites

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

As some of you may have read this morning LL announced that it acquired both of the largest web based SL shopping sites. To read the full blog entry go here:
XStreet and OnRez to Join Linden Lab!

There's a lot of speculation and angst around this piece of news. I personally do not have a formed opinion yet. I am relatively uneasy with this development but not panicked and/or angry.

As some of you know I have a modest store in XStreet (Access my store by clicking here). I never established a service with OnRez mostly because I did not have the time to maintain two separate online stores.

I want to tell you all that I intend to keep my online store in XStreet. Even before this announcement was made, my plan was to shift several of my older furniture pieces to sell directly and exclusively out of XStreet while displaying more of the recent works in my in world store on Mission Home Store Sim. This decision still stands.

I will send an update when I get a chance to move the older items to the XStreet store.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday Night @ Zeugma Fundraiser Party

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The party was a success, people came to the island in droves. Everyone got to enjoy the builds, DJ Fmeh's music, refreshments, great conversation and a wonderful chance to network with other fans of the mission / arts & crafts styles.

The sim was full for the entire event. Some of the party spilled over to the Mission Home Store Sim next door.

We raised $45 half of the island transfer fees in two hours. I would like to thank everyone for coming to the event and contributing.

What's best news is if you missed this party there will be a second one next Monday the 26th.

This time we're going to do a theme party. I will announce the theme later on this week. Check back around Thursday / Friday to get the details. Let's play dress up for this next one.

I will once again provide the sim, the food, the music, you just come and enjoy yourselves, shop a little, donate a little and have fun.

Zeugma is Mission Home Store

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I made my decision, I am moving everything back to Zeugma. I will sell the Mission Home Store sim and make Zeugma the main sim for my SL presence.

I am still planning to have the party on Monday, so please come on out and get a drink and have some fun.

It is going to take me a few days to move everything over to Zeugma so I am slow with responding to IMs now you know why.

Save Zeugma Party Monday the 19th 7pm SL time

Zeug Thalheimer is leaving SL or at the very least will no longer be the owner of Zeugma. As I already have an estate I am looking for options to save the famous Odaesan House that resides on Zeugma.

In the short run, I am planning to move the store back to Zeugma and get rid of one of the sims or convert it to openspace.

But as you know changing island ownerships names and such all cost good money and I am already strapped for cash with my Mission Home Store sim.

I want to do a benefit event January 19th Monday 7pm SL time on Zeugma for all of those that want to visit and walk through the house with me and have questions answered. I ask that all visitors contribute at least a minimal donation to the house fund when they visit the house during the next week. All proceeds will go towards renaming the sim and the ownership change expenses charged by Linden Lab.

I may also entertain renting land out to businesses and / or residents who want to live on Zeugma. Please send me an e mail at steelskyblue@gmail.com if you're interested in renting land on Zeugma for a store or residence. For those that want to live on Zeugma, I can provide one of my prefab houses for free if you like.

So at this point, I am looking at what my options are. If you have any ideas that you think might help me please let me know.

Let's save Zeugma, let's save this beautiful sim.

Thanks for your support.