Monday Night @ Zeugma Fundraiser Party

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The party was a success, people came to the island in droves. Everyone got to enjoy the builds, DJ Fmeh's music, refreshments, great conversation and a wonderful chance to network with other fans of the mission / arts & crafts styles.

The sim was full for the entire event. Some of the party spilled over to the Mission Home Store Sim next door.

We raised $45 half of the island transfer fees in two hours. I would like to thank everyone for coming to the event and contributing.

What's best news is if you missed this party there will be a second one next Monday the 26th.

This time we're going to do a theme party. I will announce the theme later on this week. Check back around Thursday / Friday to get the details. Let's play dress up for this next one.

I will once again provide the sim, the food, the music, you just come and enjoy yourselves, shop a little, donate a little and have fun.