My latest contribution to the Second Life community comes in the form of a half simulator build for Relay for Life 2012.
The Concept of the Build:
I have a half sim exhibit that's dedicated to my grandmother and her fight with cancer in the early eighties. This year is the thirtieth anniversary of her passing. I wanted to build an exhibit that not only was a monument of sorts but a storytelling device that builds awareness of what cancer patients and families of cancer patients go through.
The story is told from the point of view of a child, an 8 year old who probably was younger still at heart when he lost his grandmother.
The eight vignettes are enveloped in Greco Roman Columns and niches that provide a noble frame for what's going on inside each vignette. This signifies the demi god like characteristics of cancer patients -- fighting forces of nature, time and pain.
The vignettes also elevate and separate what's happening in each vignette from the surroundings without completely disconnecting it all from each other. This signifies the basic truth of how we lead these insular lives and experiences as individuals and families but we are all in this together and no matter what happens in that vignette (life), it all fits into something bigger and beautiful.
The larger build in red signifies this bigger world around us, the universe, an envelope, a cache, it ends where it begins and thefore is endless. It could be tiled on forever and so is the nature of my design.
The two globes with light shining out from them signify this world and the nonphysical world spinning to their own beat but mirroring each other perhaps in reverence much like two dancers sharing the same dance floor.
The central tower signifies, eternal light, the singularity of spirit and the majestic perseverance of the soul knowing no boundaries limits or heights in this case as seen by the tower that seems to go forever into the sky and finally explodes out in rings in all directions defying ascent in a single axis and spread in all three instead.
To visit my exhibit, please teleport to the following slurl:
Be a Part of the Exhibit & Share!
All vignettes except for one, invite the visitors to participate by posing in the display, taking photographs and e mailing them to me at steelskyblue at-sign I will be posting them to the flickr set I dedicated to this event at:
Here's the Slideshow for the Relay for Life Troy Vogel Exhibit Snapshots:
I went ahead and took a few myself to get things started.
It's time to RELAY FOR LIFE!
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