
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hello everyone.

After doing several events back to back between March and July, I needed to take some time off and rest and spend some time away from SL.

I also used to this time to think what the next steps are for me as a creator in SL. Do I want to continue running the Mission Home Store? I actually keep it open these days more as a public service than a profit generator as the sales do not really warrant such a large store. I do not however feel comfortable abandoning my followers and leave them without a source for great furniture.

I am currently working on creating a classroom simulation for a client. It is going to take most of my time during September. If it all goes as planned, look for a link to the project here on this blog at the end of September.

Until then I will be back to being quiet and working on my own.

Thanks for staying with me. Let's see what interesting projects the rest of this year and 2013 will bring -- that is if the universe does not end :-)